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Crafting Metal in Little Alchemy: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

How To Make Metal In Little Alchemy

Learn how to make metal in Little Alchemy with our easy-to-follow guide! Combine elements and create shiny new metal objects.

Are you tired of being a mere alchemist? Do you want to step up your game and become a master of metallurgy? Look no further, as I am here to teach you how to make metal in Little Alchemy! Don't worry if you don't have any experience in this field, because with my guidance, you'll be able to create shiny elements in no time. So grab your potions, put on your lab coat, and let's get started!

The first thing you need to know is that making metal requires a combination of two basic elements: fire and stone. If you haven't unlocked them yet, go ahead and mix air and lava to create the former, and earth and fire to obtain the latter. Once you have them, simply drag and drop fire onto stone, and voilĂ ! You've made metal. Easy peasy, right?

But wait, there's more! Did you know that you can also make alloys in Little Alchemy? That's right, you can mix different metals together to create new and exciting materials. For example, combining metal and human will give you cyborg, while metal and bird will result in airplane. The possibilities are endless!

Now, you might be wondering why you would even bother making metal in the first place. After all, it's not like you can do much with it besides admiring its shininess. Well, let me tell you that metal is actually a crucial ingredient in many other Little Alchemy combinations. For instance, you need metal to create sword, knight, armor, and many other cool items.

But let's not forget about the most important aspect of making metal: the satisfaction of creating something from scratch. There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing two elements come together and form a brand new substance. It's like magic, only better, because you're the one making it happen.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. You don't want to go around creating metal willy-nilly, as it can be dangerous if not handled properly. Always wear protective gear when working with metals, and make sure to dispose of any leftover materials in a safe and responsible manner.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not all metals are created equal. Some are more valuable than others, both in terms of their rarity and their usefulness. For example, gold is a highly coveted metal due to its beauty and malleability, while lead is often used in batteries and bullets.

But don't let that discourage you from experimenting with different combinations. Who knows, maybe you'll discover a new type of metal that's even more valuable than gold or silver. It's all about trial and error, and having fun along the way.

In conclusion, making metal in Little Alchemy is a fun and rewarding experience that anyone can enjoy. With just a few basic elements and some creativity, you can create a whole world of shiny materials and alloys. So go ahead, give it a try, and let your inner alchemist shine!


Little Alchemy is a fun and addictive game that allows you to create different elements by combining two or more basic elements. One of the most challenging elements to create in Little Alchemy is Metal. However, with a little bit of patience and a lot of trial and error, you can make Metal in no time. In this article, we will be discussing the steps you need to follow to create Metal in Little Alchemy. So, let's get started!

What is Little Alchemy?

For those who have never played Little Alchemy before, it is a game where you combine elements to create new ones. The game starts with four basic elements: air, water, fire, and earth. You can combine these elements to create new ones, such as steam, mud, lava, and so on. As you progress through the game, you will discover more elements that you can combine to create even more complex ones.

The Basics of Creating Metal

To create Metal in Little Alchemy, you will need to combine two elements: Fire and Stone. Fire is one of the four basic elements, while Stone is created by combining Earth and Pressure. Once you have Fire and Stone, you can combine them to create Metal. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. You will need to follow certain steps to ensure that you create Metal successfully.

Step 1: Create Fire

The first step in creating Metal is to create Fire. To do this, you need to drag and drop the Air element onto the Earth element. This will create Dust. Then, you need to drag and drop the Fire element onto the Dust element to create Ash. Finally, drag and drop the Air element onto the Ash element to create Fire.

Step 2: Create Stone

The next step is to create Stone. To do this, you need to drag and drop the Earth element onto the Pressure element. This will create Stone.

Step 3: Combine Fire and Stone

Now that you have Fire and Stone, it's time to combine them to create Metal. To do this, you need to drag and drop the Fire element onto the Stone element. This will create Metal.

Tips for Creating Metal

Creating Metal in Little Alchemy can be a bit tricky, so here are some tips to help you out:

Tip 1: Be Patient

Creating Metal requires a bit of trial and error, so don't get discouraged if you don't succeed on your first try. Keep trying different combinations until you find the one that works.

Tip 2: Use Clues

If you're really stuck, you can use the game's built-in clues to help you out. Just click on the hint button in the bottom left corner of the screen, and the game will give you a hint about what elements to combine.

Tip 3: Experiment

Part of the fun of Little Alchemy is experimenting with different combinations to see what works. So, don't be afraid to try out different combinations to see what happens.


Creating Metal in Little Alchemy may seem challenging at first, but with a little bit of patience and persistence, you can do it. Just remember to follow the steps we've outlined in this article, and don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations. Who knows, you might even discover some new elements along the way!

Don't be a fool – you can't just mix two metals together and expect to create gold. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it takes a little bit more than that to make metal in Little Alchemy. So, let's get started with some tips and tricks to help you become an alchemy master.

Get Your Elements Lined Up

Before you start mixing and matching, make sure you have all the basic elements needed to create metal: fire, water, earth, and air. Without these essential building blocks, your experiment could go up in smoke.

Don't Be a Snob - Try Combining Different Elements

Don't be afraid to step outside the box and try combining elements you wouldn't initially think of. Who knows, maybe a bit of glass and stone will get you closer to that golden metal finish. Keep in mind that some combinations might not work out, but that's all part of the fun.

Use Your Tools

Alchemy isn't just about mixing things together in a pot. You'll need to use a variety of tools to get the job done, like a Bunsen burner or a mortar and pestle. So, get out your trusty alchemy kit and start experimenting with different combinations.

Patience is a Virtue

Creating metal is a complex process that requires precision and patience. Don't rush the process and expect immediate results, or you might end up with a melted mess. Take your time and enjoy the journey.

Experiment with Different States of Matter

If you're having trouble mixing liquids together, try combining solids or gases instead. You never know – you might stumble upon the perfect combination.

Keep It Simple, Silly

Sometimes the most basic combinations are the ones that work best. Don't overcomplicate things and go back to the basics if you're having trouble. Remember, simple is often better.

Take Notes for Future Reference

Keep a record of all your experiments and combinations in case you stumble upon something successful. You never know when that combination of charcoal and silver will come in handy.

Learn from Mistakes

So, your alchemy lab accidentally turned into a pile of ashes – it happens to the best of us. Learn from your mistakes and try again with a better strategy. Alchemy is all about trial and error, so don't get discouraged.

Have Fun with It

At the end of the day, Little Alchemy is a game meant to be enjoyed. Have fun experimenting with different combinations and don't take it too seriously. Who knows, maybe you'll discover the next big thing in metal creation! Just remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.

How to Make Metal in Little Alchemy: A Humorous Guide

Greetings, my fellow alchemists! Today, we shall embark on a journey to create one of the most precious substances known to man - METAL! Yes, that's right. We shall turn mere elements into a shiny, strong, and versatile material that has been used by humans for centuries. And we shall do it with a touch of humor, for laughs make the process much more enjoyable.

What is Little Alchemy?

Before we begin, let us first discuss what Little Alchemy is. It is an online game that allows you to create various objects by combining different elements. You start with four basic elements: air, earth, fire, and water, and from there, you can create over 500 different items. It's a fun and addictive game that will make you feel like a real-life alchemist.

What are the Elements Needed to Make Metal?

Now, let's talk about the elements needed to make metal. To create metal, you need two basic elements: fire and earth. These two elements may seem simple, but when combined, they create a powerful substance that has changed the course of human history.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Metal in Little Alchemy

Are you ready to create metal? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Little Alchemy game on your device.
  2. Select the fire element and drag it to the playing board.
  3. Select the earth element and drag it to the playing board, next to the fire element.
  4. Wait for the elements to combine. The result will be metal!

Voila! You have successfully created metal. Now, you can use it to create other items such as tools, weapons, and even buildings.

Final Thoughts

Making metal in Little Alchemy may seem easy, but it's actually a complex process that requires understanding the properties of the elements involved. However, with a little humor, the process can be much more enjoyable. So, go ahead and try making metal - who knows, you may discover new uses for this precious substance!

Table: Keywords for Making Metal in Little Alchemy

Keyword Description
Fire One of the four basic elements needed to make metal.
Earth The other basic element needed to make metal.
Metal The result of combining fire and earth elements.
Tools Items that can be made using metal.
Weapons Items that can be made using metal.
Buildings Structures that can be made using metal.

Thanks for Reading: How To Make Metal In Little Alchemy

Well, dear visitors, it's time to wrap up our journey on how to make metal in little alchemy. We hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as we enjoyed writing it for you. Before we bid farewell, let's do a quick recap of what we learned.

Firstly, we learned that metal is a basic element in the game and can be created by combining various other elements. Secondly, we discovered that there are multiple ways to make metal, such as combining stone and fire or electricity and steel.

However, we also acknowledged that sometimes the combinations don't always make sense, like who would have thought that combining a human and a gold nugget would result in metal. But that's the beauty of little alchemy; you never know what kind of strange, bizarre, and even hilarious combinations you'll create.

So, if you're feeling bored and want to test your creativity, Little alchemy is the perfect game for you. It's not just about making metal, but it's about exploring and experimenting with different combinations to create new elements.

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to play Little Alchemy. So, don't be afraid to try something new and see what happens. Who knows, you might discover something amazing.

Before we say goodbye, we want to leave you with one last tip. If you ever get stuck and can't figure out how to make a particular element, don't fret. There are plenty of resources available online that can help you out, such as walkthroughs, cheat sheets, and forums.

Finally, we want to express our gratitude to all our readers who took the time to read this article. We hope you found it informative, entertaining, and humorous. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future articles, please feel free to contact us.

Once again, thank you for tuning in, and we'll see you in the next one!

How to Make Metal in Little Alchemy

What are the basic elements needed to make metal?

The basic elements needed to make metal in Little Alchemy are:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Air

What do I do with these elements?

Follow these steps:

  1. Combine Fire and Earth to create Lava
  2. Add Water to Lava to create Stone
  3. Mix Fire and Stone to get Metal

Can I use any other elements to make metal?

No, you cannot use any other element to make metal. For instance, adding Air to Lava will only give you Ash.

But what if I add Unicorn Hair to Fire?

Well, you'll end up with a unicorn-shaped bonfire. Congratulations, you've achieved something that's not even in the game!

Is it possible to create metal without Fire and Earth?

Sure, if you're a magician with a wand and a spellbook. But in Little Alchemy, those two elements are essential to creating metal. Sorry, Harry Potter.

What can I do with metal?

You can combine metal with other elements to create new things. For example, mixing Metal and Human will give you Cyborg. Or you can take it to a blacksmith and have them forge you a sword. Just don't try to smelt it yourself unless you want to burn your house down.

Can I create gold by mixing metal with something else?

No, you cannot create gold by mixing metal with any other element in Little Alchemy. Sorry, alchemists.

What if I try to mix metal with my hopes and dreams?

You'll end up with a pile of disappointment. Stick to the game's rules, champ.