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Unlock the Power of Drakloak: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Evolve This Pokémon

How To Evolve Drakloak

Want to evolve your Drakloak into Dragapult? Follow these simple steps and level up your Drakloak to reach its final form!

Hey there, fellow Pokémon trainers! Are you having a tough time figuring out how to evolve your Drakloak? Fear not, for I am here to guide you through the process with ease. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on the epic power of Dragapult, the final form of this dragon-ghost type Pokémon.

First things first, let's talk about the basics. Drakloak evolves from Dreepy at level 50, but that's only the beginning. You'll need to make sure your Drakloak has a few key requirements before it can evolve into the mighty Dragapult. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

One important factor to consider is your Drakloak's level. In order to evolve, it needs to be at least level 60. That may seem daunting, but fear not – there are plenty of ways to level up your Drakloak quickly. Battling other trainers, participating in raids, and using experience boosting items like Rare Candies can all help you reach that magic number.

Another crucial element is your Drakloak's happiness level. Yes, that's right – even Pokémon need love and affection! You can increase your Drakloak's happiness by giving it massages, feeding it its favorite foods, and making sure it gets plenty of rest. Trust me, your Drakloak will appreciate the extra TLC.

Now, let's talk about the fun stuff – battling! Drakloak is a formidable opponent on its own, but if you really want to give it a boost, consider teaching it some powerful moves. Dragon Dance can increase its speed and attack stats, while Phantom Force can deal massive damage and even bypass Protect and Detect moves. And of course, you can't go wrong with the classic Dragon Claw.

But wait – there's more! Did you know that Drakloak has a hidden ability? Infiltrator allows it to bypass substitutes and light screens, making it even more of a force to be reckoned with. To unlock this ability, you'll need to catch a Dreepy with the ability Cursed Body and breed it until you get one with Infiltrator.

Now, let's talk about the final step in the evolution process – trading! That's right, in order to evolve your Drakloak into Dragapult, you'll need to trade it with another player. But don't worry, this doesn't mean you have to give up your beloved Pokémon forever. Simply find a friend who is willing to trade back after the evolution is complete, and voila – you now have a powerful Dragapult at your disposal.

In conclusion, evolving your Drakloak may seem like a daunting task, but with a little patience and strategy, you'll have a mighty Dragapult in no time. Just remember to level up, show some love, teach some killer moves, and trade with a friend. Happy evolving!


So, you've got yourself a Drakloak and now you're wondering how to evolve it, huh? Well, don't worry, because I'm here to guide you through the process. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of things, let's take a moment to appreciate just how badass Drakloak is. I mean, with those piercing eyes, that menacing grin, and those razor-sharp claws, it's no wonder why people are eager to have it in their team. But if you want to take it to the next level, you'll need to evolve it into its final form - Dragapult. So, without further ado, let's get started!

Leveling up Drakloak

The most straightforward way to evolve Drakloak is by leveling it up. But how do you know when it's ready to evolve? Well, once your Drakloak reaches level 60, it'll automatically evolve into Dragapult. That's it. Simple, right? Of course, getting your Drakloak to level 60 may take some time, but hey, good things come to those who wait.

Using a Rare Candy

If you're not in the mood to grind levels, there's another way to evolve Drakloak - by using a Rare Candy. This item instantly levels up your Pokemon by one, which means you can use it on your Drakloak to get it to level 60 without any effort. However, keep in mind that Rare Candies are hard to come by, so use them wisely.

Making Drakloak Happy

Did you know that a Pokemon's happiness level can affect its evolution? That's right, and Drakloak is no exception. To evolve your Drakloak through happiness, you'll need to make sure it's happy enough by doing things like giving it massages, feeding it its favorite food, and winning battles with it. Once its happiness level reaches a certain point, it'll evolve into Dragapult. However, this method can take a while, so be patient.

Trading Drakloak

Another way to evolve Drakloak is by trading it with another player. When you trade a Drakloak, it'll evolve into Dragapult as soon as the trade is complete. However, you'll need to make sure you're trading with someone you trust, as there's always a risk of losing your Pokemon if you're not careful.

Using an Evolution Stone

Unfortunately, there's no evolution stone that can evolve Drakloak, so you can't take the shortcut like you would with other Pokemon. But hey, who needs a stone when you've got pure brute force, right? Plus, evolving Drakloak through leveling up or making it happy feels much more satisfying than using an item.

Training Tips for Drakloak

Now that you know how to evolve Drakloak, let's talk about how to train it. Drakloak is a Dragon/Ghost-type Pokemon, which means it's weak against Fairy, Ice, Dragon, and Dark-type moves. To counter this weakness, you'll want to teach it some strong moves like Shadow Ball, Dragon Claw, and Fly. Additionally, you'll want to make sure it has a good balance of physical and special moves to take on different types of opponents. Finally, make sure to give it plenty of battle experience to level it up quickly and efficiently.

Setting Up Drakloak's Stats

When it comes to setting up Drakloak's stats, you'll want to focus on its Attack and Speed. Drakloak has a base Attack stat of 85 and a base Speed stat of 110, which means it's fast and hits hard. To maximize its potential, you'll want to invest in its Attack and Speed EVs (Effort Values) and give it a Jolly nature to further boost its Speed. You can also consider giving it a Choice Scarf to make it even faster and more powerful.

Building a Balanced Team

Of course, no Pokemon is an island, and you'll want to build a balanced team around your Drakloak to make the most out of its strengths. A good team should have a mix of physical and special attackers, as well as some defensive and support Pokemon to cover your weaknesses. Additionally, you'll want to make sure your team has good type coverage to take on different opponents. With a little bit of strategy and planning, you'll be unstoppable.


And there you have it - everything you need to know about evolving Drakloak. Whether you choose to level it up, make it happy, or trade it with a friend, evolving Drakloak into Dragapult is a rewarding experience that's worth the effort. Just remember to train it well, set up its stats properly, and build a balanced team around it, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a Pokemon master. Now go out there and catch 'em all!

Don't Leave Drakloak in the Dark: Shedding Light on Evolution

If you're a proud owner of a Drakloak, then you're probably eager to see it evolve into its final form, Dragapult. But before you get ahead of yourself, there are a few things you need to know to ensure a successful evolution. Here are some tips and tricks to help you evolve Drakloak into the fierce dragon it's meant to be.

Tricks and Treats: Making Sure Drakloak is Happy and Fed

First things first, you need to make sure your Drakloak is happy and well-fed. A happy and content Drakloak is more likely to evolve than a miserable one. To keep your Drakloak happy, make sure you feed it regularly and give it treats from time to time. You can also play with it and take it on walks outside of its Pokeball. Remember, a healthy and happy Drakloak is a strong and ferocious one.

Practice Makes Perfect: Battling Your Way to Evolution

To level up your Drakloak and prepare it for evolution, you need to train it through battles. Take it to different gyms and battle against other trainers to gain experience points. The more battles your Drakloak wins, the faster it will level up. Don't be afraid to challenge tougher opponents as this will help your Drakloak grow stronger and learn new moves.

Wing It: Flying with Drakloak to Reach New Heights

Drakloak is a flying type Pokemon, which means it's important to incorporate flying into its training routine. Take your Drakloak on flights around the region to help it gain flying experience. This will also help it get used to different types of environments and weather conditions, which will come in handy during battles.

Solids, Liquids, and Gases: The Importance of Types and Environment

As mentioned earlier, Drakloak is a flying type Pokemon, but it's also a dragon and ghost type. This means it's important to incorporate different types of environments into its training routine. Take your Drakloak to different areas like forests, caves, and oceans to help it gain experience in different terrains. This will also help it learn how to adapt to different types of elements, making it a versatile and formidable opponent during battles.

Huddle Up: Getting Drakloak to Bond with its Trainer and Buddies

To evolve Drakloak, it's important to build a strong bond between it and its trainer. Spend time with your Drakloak outside of battles, like playing games and hanging out with other Pokemon buddies. This will help your Drakloak feel comfortable and safe with you, which will ultimately make it more willing to evolve.

Full Speed Ahead: Trying Different Techniques to Level Up Faster

If you're eager to see your Drakloak evolve as soon as possible, there are some techniques you can try to level up faster. One technique is to give your Drakloak an experience candy, which instantly boosts its level. Another technique is to use a lucky egg during battles, which doubles the amount of experience points your Drakloak earns. However, be careful not to rely too heavily on these techniques as they can lead to a lack of proper training and development.

Size Matters: Understanding Growth Rates and What They Mean

Every Pokemon has a different growth rate, which determines how fast it levels up. Drakloak has a medium-fast growth rate, which means it's neither slow nor fast in leveling up. Understanding your Drakloak's growth rate can help you plan out its training and evolution timeline.

Breaking the Curse: Getting Out of Dragapult's Shadow

Once your Drakloak evolves into Dragapult, it will become a powerful and fearsome dragon. However, this also means that it will be compared to other strong dragon-type Pokemon like Dragonite and Salamence. To get out of Dragapult's shadow, focus on developing its unique strengths and abilities. Train it to learn moves that other dragons don't have, and use its ghost-type abilities to your advantage during battles.

It Takes a Village: Tackling Evolution with Help from Friends and Experts

Last but not least, don't be afraid to seek help from friends or experts when it comes to evolving your Drakloak. Join online forums or communities to ask for advice and tips from experienced trainers. You can also seek guidance from Pokemon professors in the game, who can give you valuable insights into your Drakloak's evolution process.

In conclusion, evolving Drakloak into Dragapult requires patience, dedication, and proper training. But with these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to having a fierce and powerful dragon on your team.

How To Evolve Drakloak: A Humorous Guide


Greetings, fellow trainers! Are you tired of your Drakloak not evolving? Do you want to see it transform into the majestic and powerful Dragapult? Well, fear not, because I am here to guide you on how to evolve your Drakloak.

Table of Contents:

  1. Background Information about Drakloak
  2. Steps to Evolve Drakloak
  3. Point of View: The Struggles of Evolving Drakloak
  4. Conclusion

Background Information about Drakloak:

Drakloak is a dragon/ghost type Pokémon that evolves from Dreepy at level 50. It has a unique appearance, with its arms and legs resembling wings, and a long tail that can shoot out as a missile. Its final form, Dragapult, is a fan favorite due to its impressive speed and power.

Steps to Evolve Drakloak:

Now, onto the main event! Here are the steps you need to follow in order to evolve your Drakloak:

  1. Level up Drakloak to level 60 or higher.
  2. Gather a team of supportive Pokémon - you'll need them.
  3. Take Drakloak to the nearest stadium and challenge the gym leader to a battle.
  4. Win the battle without using Drakloak once.
  5. After the battle, take Drakloak to the nearest body of water and let it swim for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Finally, give Drakloak a high-five and watch as it evolves into Dragapult!

Congratulations! You now have a powerful Dragapult by your side. Just be sure to take good care of it - this Pokémon is known for its playful, mischievous nature.

Point of View: The Struggles of Evolving Drakloak:

As someone who has gone through the arduous process of evolving a Drakloak, I can tell you firsthand that it's not an easy task. Here are some of the struggles I faced along the way:

  • Trying to level up Drakloak while also avoiding using it in battle was a challenge - it often felt like I was carrying dead weight on my team.
  • The gym battle was intense, and I was sweating bullets the entire time. I had to rely on my other Pokémon to take down the opponent while keeping Drakloak safe.
  • Finding a body of water large enough for Drakloak to swim in for 30 minutes was no easy feat. I ended up taking it to a nearby lake and standing there for half an hour while Drakloak paddled around.
  • Finally, when it came time to give Drakloak a high-five, it kept dodging my hand and flying around me in circles. I had to chase it down and corner it before I could successfully give it a high-five.

Despite these struggles, seeing Drakloak evolve into Dragapult made it all worth it. The feeling of accomplishment was unmatched, and I knew that I had a powerful ally by my side.


In conclusion, evolving Drakloak into Dragapult is no easy task, but it's definitely worth it. Just remember to level it up to 60 or higher, win a gym battle without using it, let it swim in water for 30 minutes, and give it a high-five. And if you encounter any struggles along the way, just remember to laugh them off - after all, a humorous outlook is the best approach to life, and Pokémon training!

How to Evolve Drakloak Without Losing Your Mind

Congratulations, you've made it to the end of our guide on how to evolve Drakloak! If you're reading this, then you must be a true Pokemon enthusiast. And let's face it, evolving Drakloak can be a real pain in the you-know-what. But fear not, we've got you covered.

Before we bid adieu, let's do a quick recap. First, we talked about the importance of leveling up your Drakloak and how it's necessary to reach level 50 before you can even think about evolving it. Then we delved into the different ways you can level up your Drakloak, including battling, camping, and giving it certain items.

We also discussed the significance of friendship in evolving Drakloak. You need to make sure your Drakloak trusts you enough to evolve, which means spending quality time with it and nurturing the bond between trainer and Pokemon.

But let's be real, all that leveling up and bonding can get tedious after a while. That's why we suggested some fun activities to do with your Drakloak, like playing games and cooking curry. Who knew making a good meal could be the key to evolving your Pokemon?

We also warned against the dangers of getting too frustrated with the evolution process. Losing your temper or giving up altogether can lead to your Drakloak staying a Drakloak forever. Trust us, you don't want that.

So, what have we learned? Evolving Drakloak takes time, patience, and a little bit of creativity. But it's also a fun and rewarding experience if you approach it with the right mindset.

Before we go, we want to leave you with some final words of encouragement. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. There are plenty of other trainers out there struggling with the same thing. Don't be afraid to reach out for help or advice. And most importantly, don't forget to have fun!

Thanks for reading, and happy evolving!

How to Evolve Drakloak: People Also Ask

What level does Drakloak evolve?

Drakloak evolves at level 60.

Can you evolve Drakloak without trading?

Yes, you can evolve Drakloak without trading. You just need to level it up to level 60.

What do you need to evolve Drakloak?

All you need to evolve Drakloak is to level it up to level 60. No special items or stones required.

How long does it take to evolve Drakloak?

It really depends on how much you train and battle with your Drakloak. But if you are in a hurry, you can always use Rare Candies to speed things up.

What happens when Drakloak evolves?

When Drakloak evolves, it becomes Dragapult - a fast and powerful Dragon/Ghost type Pokémon. It gains higher stats, new moves, and a cool new appearance.

Can Dragapult Gigantamax?

Yes, Dragapult can Gigantamax. When it does, it turns into a giant, menacing dragon with even more powerful attacks. Just make sure you have the right Gym Badge to use this feature.

Is Dragapult a good Pokémon to use in battles?

Absolutely! Dragapult is one of the most popular and versatile Pokémon in competitive battles. Its high speed, attack, and special attack stats make it a formidable opponent. Plus, its unique ability Clear Body prevents its stats from being lowered by opponent's moves.

Any tips for using Dragapult in battles?

Here are some tips to make the most out of your Dragapult:

  • Teach it a variety of moves to cover its weaknesses, such as Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, and U-turn.
  • Use its high speed to strike first and take down opponents quickly.
  • Pair it with a Pokémon that can set up entry hazards like Stealth Rock or Toxic Spikes to wear down opponents.
  • Consider using it as a late-game sweeper, after your other Pokémon have weakened the opponent's team.

With these tips and a little bit of luck, you'll be dominating battles with your Dragapult in no time!